I meant to be more on top of this by posting before my exhibits, not after, but alas <sigh>, life gets in the way sometimes….

That said, 2022 found me quite busy displaying my photographs in various venues throughout Orange County, New York.

My first exhibit. “Dulcet Vistas” was at the Clearview Vineyard and Winery, located in Warwick, New York. It ran throughout the month of July, and was well received by the general public. Due to the pandemic, this display was originally scheduled for 2020, but had to be cancelled for obvious reasons. The tasting room where my images were hung is a bright and cheery space, and I was impressed how nicely they looked hanging on the walls there as an ensemble for the very first time. And, to top it all off, I sold a few photographs to boot! https://clearviewvineyard.com/

My next show, also entitled, “Dulcet Vistas” was scheduled for 2020 as well, and was postponed for the same reason. It was held at the Garnet Health Medical Center in Middletown, New York, and it encompassed the months of September and October. My photographs were warmly viewed by the medical staff and the various visitors that saw them in the gallery that is located by the cafeteria. I was also fortunate enough to sell a couple more photographs there as well! https://www.garnethealth.org/

My current exhibit, “Double Vision” finds me co-exhibiting with a fellow photographer for the first time, and our images I am happy to write, compliment each other perfectly. They are currently hanging on the dining room walls of Leo’s Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria in Cornwall, New York. The exhibit breaks down on December 5th. https://www.leospizzeria.com/

As always I am proud and flattered to offer my photographs for your purchasing considerations. You can peruse all of the purchasing options on any of the “Shop Now” buttons found throughout this website.


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