Well, I see that we meet again!

Sorry that I’ve been AWOL for a bit, but I had this rather insignificant problem with my knee!

My left knee had been progressively getting worse by the day, whereas the cartilage had deteriorated to the point where the tibia and fibula bones where knocking heads causing much pain when I was mobile. I tried like heck to block it out when I was out shooting in the autumn months of 2020, and a few excursions during the winter of 2021, but it got to the point where the pain was too much to bear. As a matter of fact, the last time I was out shooting was in mid March of this year.

Not one to sit around and curse my fate, I scheduled an appointment with one of the top surgeons in the New York Metro area, and had a Partial Knee Replacement performed on May 19th at the highly regarded Hospital for Special Surgery in Manhattan.

I couldn’t be more satisfied with my decision, as the surgery was very successful, and my recovery is progressing ahead of schedule! Needless to say, it is wonderful to be able to function without pain (besides what is associated with the surgery). I continue to heal and get stronger by the day.

So, on the 4th of July, I ventured out for my first photographic excursion in just under four months. Like everything else associated with recovery, I have to start slowly and gradually work up to more strenuous treks into the woods, etc.

I found out about a fireworks display that was to be held at Greenwood Lake, NY, and thought that this would be a great jumping in point to restart my relationship with my camera.

I called the owners of one of the marinas located in Greenwood Lake if I could access their property to shoot, and I was warmly received by them to do just that. I was fortunate enough to meet them later that evening while shooting.

I broke up my session into three parts:

1. During the Blue Hour:
By shooting early on, one does not have to deal with the smoke build up associated with the fireworks as the night progresses, therefore allowing a photographer a clear capture.

2. Zooming in for close ups:
When zoomed in, I was able to get a more abstract image.

3. Wide Angle:
And finally, by going wide-angle, I was able to include the marina as foreground material.

All in all, I was quite satisfied with my efforts, and I will continue to look forward to the steady improvement during my PT rehabilitation, and to my next camera adventure as well!

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