Well, lets see here. I just got back from an exhilarating week spent up in the Adirondacks while participating in a photography workshop, organized by Carl Heilman Carl Heilman II Photography – Wild Visions, Inc.
We stayed at the rustic lodge, Elk Lake Lodge Elk Lake Lodge that affords one spectacular views of the lake and the high peaks of the Adirondacks that encompass the entire lake. I’m thinking that when it’s my time to die, that I fancy having my ashes tossed about the lake. *Hopefully my ashes won’t kill off any of the wildlife found there. https://www.elklakelodge.com/
The staff was so friendly and accommodating, and the food was absolutely delicious! And, there was plenty of it!
It was wonderful to make new acquaintances who share the same passion for photography as I do, and to learn about their techniques and life experiences.
And, of course, Carl was a walking encyclopedia of photographic knowledge and wisdom, and his enthusiasm was infectious. It was a great learning experience and a privilege to stand along side him photographing that amazing landscape. https://www.carlheilman.com/
This image where I utilized the kayaks and canoes as foreground material will be seen in other captures during various weather and light conditions. It fills up the frame quite nicely and are a wonderful juxtaposition against the beautiful mountains in the background and the glorious lake in the middle ground. Of course, I will be posting pics that feature the mountains more predominately soon.

After a great dinner, and an okay sleep, I was up early to photograph the stars above beautiful Elk Lake and the majestic Adirondack High Peaks. The sky was mostly clear with a few fair weather clouds looming about, along with some mist and fog clinging to the tops of the various peaks and hugging the water’s edge. It created a very ethereal landscape of which you see if this particular photo. we photographed right up until the sun rose out of bed, coming away with various perspectives of the twilight , blue and golden hour skies. Each capture offered something a bit different allowing me a wide variety of photos to process. This capture, actually was the first one I took, as the sky was at it’s darkest making the stars above that much more visible. It was a wonderful way to start the day.

Once shooting was complete, we headed inside for a delicious breakfast, and then I headed back to my cottage for a nap before heading out on a private trail; “West Shore Trail” to photograph different perspectives of the lake and some detailed images found along the shoreline. About 2/3rds into the trail, we paused for lunch and then picked up our shooting at a lookout point; “Guide Board Landing”.
This image featured the sky dancing above the mountains of the Adirondacks. At this point in time, the light was a bit harsh, but that in turn did highlight the various colors of the trees located across the bay.
After shooting for about two hours, we headed back to lodge to unpack and to get ready for dinner.
After chowing down, it was back to the lake to photograph images during the golden hour. To accurately demonstrate the vast size of the lake and the mountains that surrounded and encompassed it, I choose to stitch multiple images to create panoramic images that should give the viewer a sense of what I was seeing in person.


Another early rise on the third day of the workshop, once again found us (well, most of us) all shooting a star filled sky right up until they rang the breakfast bell at 7:00am.

This morning was the first fall like morning where the temperatures fell around the freezing mark, thus producing beautiful mist and fog on the water and the mountains that surrounded us.

With this particular capture, I deliberately included the Adirondack chairs that sat on the dock, where all the guests ( me included) could sit at our leisure to enjoy the beautiful landscape that was in front of and around you. It was a sight that never grew old.


After breakfast and a break, we all headed out to capture this run down boat house where it was accompanied by this beautiful oak tree. The air was still, thus allowing wonderful reflections to be a strong feature in this capture. Also the light was diffused by the partly cloudy skies above, which in turn cast a soft and mellow light upon the landscape.


After lunch and some down time, we all gathered for an late afternoon shoot at the Blue Ridge Falls (North Hudson), and at a local pond called Palmer Pond (located by the Northway). Due to to lighting, I thought it best to utilize my 10-stop ND filter so that I could achieve long exposures to silk out water while not blowing out any of the highlights. It was a wise and well paid off decision. I came away with many different perspectives besides this one that I will work on. After the cascades gave us its all, we headed down the road to photography briefly a couple of quiet and serene autumn scenes.

The second to last morning (and the last morning shoot), a bunch of us rose out of bed at the wonderful hour of 3:15 am to shoot the stars just as the moon was about to set. Images captured while the moon was still visible over the horizon, aided in creating an eerie glow upon the landscape.
Once the moon got out of the way, the stars of the night sky took over and lend themselves to some terrific astrophotography captures.

Unfortunately for me, I was not feeling well, and not knowing what exactly I was coming down with, I withdrew myself from the rest of the group for the rest of the day, so that no one could catch whatever it was that I had. I ate dinner alone outside, taking in the view one last time during the late afternoon, early evening, and once I finished dinner, I headed down to lake to capture the last couple of images, one of which is seen here. As a matter of fact, this was the last photo I shot during my wonderful time at Elk Lake. I am looking forward to coming here again at some point in the future.

After a good night’s rest, I felt fine on the last morning, and felt comfortable eating breakfast with the group. Turns out, it was nothing more than a very minor head cold that was exasperated by the lack of sleep during the week.

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