My apologies for not blogging for quite some time, but after a very busy and productive fall and winter seasons, I have been kicking back (somewhat) during this spring. It’s not like I haven’t been our shooting (please click here to see my latest): but I really didn’t have much to share that required blogging.
That said, I did enter a few exhibitions, had a great one year anniversary report by my knee surgeon, and have been gearing up for my thrice cancelled solo show.
My exhibit is called “Dulcet Vistas”. In a musical context dulcet means “pleasing to the ear”. In the visual sense, it means pleasing or agreeable.
Dulcet has many linguistic ancestors, including the Latin dulcis, Anglo-French douz, and Middle English doucet—all meaning “sweet.” The dulcet dulcis has contributed many sweet terms to English. Among these are the musical direction dolce (“to be played sweetly, softly”), Dulciana (a type of pipe organ stop made up of flue pipes), dolcian (a small bassoon-like instrument used in the 16th and 17th centuries), and dulcimer (an American folk instrument). On a similar note, the word dulcify means “to make sweet,” and the adjective doux, derived from Old French douz, is used in wine circles to describe champagne that is sweet.
It is my intent that my captures (twenty in all) will be sweetly received by those who viewed them.
I will be displaying fourteen framed prints (seven 25×35” and seven 21.5×29”- dimensions include the frame), and six canvas prints of various sizes. All of my captures are available for purchase during the length of the display and can be picked up at the end of the exhibit, and of course all of my images can be purchase in a variety of formats, decor and gift items via my website here:
My exhibit will be held at Clearview Vineyard, which is located in Warwick, NY Please click here for their website from Friday-Sunday, 12:00-5:00PM all during the month of July.
They make and offer many varieties of wonderful wine, as well offer live music on their beautiful grounds.
I will not hosting an “Artist Reception”, as I much prefer to meet anyone at their convenience during the show’s duration to discuss and to share background information pertaining to my photographs.
As this exhibit has been ready for well over two years (due to the pandemic), I am very excited to finally display ALL of my images as originally intended. I have been fortunate however, to exhibit some of them in small and intimate settings twice.
I hope you get the opportunity to check out my exhibition. If not, you will have the opportunity to see them in September, when I will be moving this show to the Garnet Medical Center in Middletown, NY.I’ll share more detail information, as we approach September…
I am honored to be able to offer my photography of the beautiful Hudson Valley in New York and beyond for all of your purchasing considerations.
All of my photographs are available as prints, wall art, home decor, apparel, weekend bags, etc and are NOW offered with a canvas border, title, electronic signature and the year it was taken in ‘The Signature Series Gallery’. You may continue to buy my photographs as they have always been available prior in all of my other galleries as well.